Mar 20, 2023Liked by Amanda Iheme

Nice episode. For me, I actually do like to think. Though when i do that, I try to make sure I am being being bruttaly honest with myself, asking the right difficult questions. Thinking gives me clarity, I am able to clearly figure out where my problems stem from and effective ways to solve them. Though there are times where I have spent time loathing and having unhealthy thoughts, I try to snap out of it as quickly as I can because these thoughts do not serve me rather it keeps me stuck in that position.

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This episode is so good. Came at the right time for me. Thank you :)

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thank you for this

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Interestingly, one thing I learned about overthinking is that we approach most traumatic events looking to assign blame, instead of acknowledging that an action or circumstance hurt us.

With blame comes motive, and once you have cast the person whose actions hurt you as an antagonist, you make it more difficult to confront them because you are focused on discovering their motives rather than reasserting your own boundaries.

Learning to express that a situation is hurtful to me without assigning blame has allowed me reach a resolution faster and salvage relationships and significantly reduce over thinking.

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